
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Coach: Guiding the Iconic Squad

Dallas cowboy cheerleader coach – As the spotlight shines on the iconic Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, their unwavering spirit and precision performances are a testament to the exceptional leadership of their coach. Guiding this esteemed squad through rigorous training, captivating choreography, and the demands of public scrutiny, the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Coach plays a pivotal role in shaping the team’s legacy.

From their origins as a spirited sideline presence to their evolution into a globally recognized entertainment powerhouse, the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders have captivated audiences for decades. Their signature uniforms, dazzling dance moves, and unwavering team spirit have become synonymous with the Dallas Cowboys brand.

Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders

The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (DCC) are a world-renowned dance team that has been captivating audiences since their inception in 1972. They have become an integral part of the Dallas Cowboys football experience, adding glamour and excitement to every game.

Origins and Evolution

The DCC was founded by Tex Schramm, the general manager of the Dallas Cowboys, who envisioned a team of beautiful and talented women who would entertain fans and promote the team. The first squad consisted of 12 women, who performed simple dance routines on the sidelines.

Over the years, the DCC has evolved into a highly skilled and professional dance team, with a roster of 36 women who perform complex and athletic routines.

Iconic Uniforms and Signature Dance Moves

The DCC is known for their iconic uniforms, which have remained largely unchanged since the team’s inception. The uniform consists of a white cowboy hat, a blue and silver sequined vest, white shorts, and white boots. The DCC’s signature dance moves include the “high kick,” the “cartwheel,” and the “split.” These moves are performed with precision and athleticism, and have become synonymous with the DCC.

Rigorous Selection Process and Training Regimen

Becoming a DCC is a highly competitive process. Each year, thousands of women audition for the team, and only a select few are chosen. The audition process is rigorous, and includes a series of dance routines, interviews, and background checks.

Once selected, the DCC undergo a rigorous training regimen that includes daily dance classes, strength training, and nutrition counseling. The DCC are required to maintain a high level of fitness and professionalism, and are expected to represent the Dallas Cowboys organization with grace and poise.

The Role of the Cheerleading Coach

Dallas cowboy cheerleader coach

The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Coach is responsible for the overall success of the cheerleading squad. They oversee all aspects of the team, from choreography and rehearsals to game-day performances and team discipline. The coach’s primary goal is to ensure that the cheerleaders are well-prepared and represent the Dallas Cowboys organization with excellence.

Choreography and Rehearsals

The coach is responsible for creating and teaching the choreography for all of the team’s routines. They work with the cheerleaders to ensure that they are executing the moves correctly and with precision. The coach also leads rehearsals, which are essential for the team to practice their routines and improve their timing and coordination.

Game-Day Performances

On game days, the coach is responsible for leading the cheerleaders on the field. They ensure that the team is ready to perform and that they are giving their best effort. The coach also provides encouragement and support to the cheerleaders throughout the game.

Team Spirit and Discipline

In addition to their technical responsibilities, the coach is also responsible for maintaining team spirit and discipline. They create a positive and supportive environment for the cheerleaders and ensure that they are working together as a team. The coach also sets and enforces team rules and regulations, ensuring that the cheerleaders are representing the Dallas Cowboys organization in a professional manner.

Notable Cheerleading Coaches

The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders have had a long and storied history, and their success would not be possible without the guidance and leadership of their talented coaches. Throughout the years, several notable coaches have left an indelible mark on the team, contributing to their success and shaping their legacy.

Judy Trammell

Judy Trammell is considered the founding mother of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. She was the first coach of the team, serving from 1972 to 1991. Under her leadership, the cheerleaders became a world-renowned dance troupe, known for their precision, athleticism, and glamorous style.

Trammell’s innovative choreography and demanding training regimen set the standard for cheerleading excellence, and she is credited with revolutionizing the sport.

Kelli Finglass

Kelli Finglass succeeded Judy Trammell as coach of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders in 1991. She continued the legacy of excellence established by her predecessor, leading the team to numerous awards and accolades. Finglass was known for her attention to detail and her ability to motivate her dancers to perform at their best.

She also introduced new elements to the team’s routines, including hip-hop and jazz dance, further enhancing their versatility and appeal.

Gayle Sierens

Gayle Sierens took over as coach of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders in 2009. She brought with her a wealth of experience in dance and choreography, having previously worked with the Houston Texans Cheerleaders and the New York Jets Flight Crew.

Under Sierens’ leadership, the team continued to thrive, winning multiple awards and performing at prestigious events worldwide. She is known for her passion for dance and her commitment to providing her dancers with a positive and supportive environment.

Kimberley Garcia

Kimberley Garcia became the coach of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders in 2021. She is a former Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader herself, having danced with the team from 2003 to 2007. Garcia brings a fresh perspective to the role, emphasizing the importance of diversity, inclusivity, and community involvement.

She is dedicated to continuing the tradition of excellence established by her predecessors while also fostering a culture of empowerment and self-confidence within the team.

Current Cheerleading Coach: Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader Coach

Dallas cowboy cheerleader coach

Kelli Finglass is the current head coach of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. She is a former cheerleader for the team and has over 20 years of experience in the cheerleading industry.

Finglass is known for her passion for cheerleading and her commitment to excellence. She believes that cheerleading is more than just dancing and acrobatics; it is also about teamwork, discipline, and leadership.

Coaching Philosophy

Finglass’s coaching philosophy is based on the belief that every cheerleader has the potential to be great. She believes that it is her job to help each cheerleader reach her full potential by providing her with the tools and resources she needs to succeed.

Finglass is a strong believer in positive reinforcement. She believes that it is important to praise cheerleaders for their efforts and accomplishments, even if they do not always achieve perfection.

Vision for the Team

Finglass’s vision for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders is to be the best cheerleading team in the world. She wants the team to be known for its athleticism, its professionalism, and its dedication to the community.

Finglass is confident that the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders can achieve her vision. She believes that the team has the talent, the determination, and the leadership to be the best.

Cheerleading Coach’s Impact on Team Performance


The cheerleading coach plays a pivotal role in shaping the team’s overall performance. Their leadership, choreography, and training methods have a profound impact on the team’s success.

A skilled coach fosters a positive and supportive environment that encourages teamwork and camaraderie. They set clear expectations, provide constructive feedback, and motivate their athletes to strive for excellence. This leadership fosters a sense of unity and purpose within the team, enabling them to perform at their best.


The coach’s choreography is crucial in showcasing the team’s skills and artistry. They design routines that are both visually appealing and technically demanding, requiring precise execution and synchronization. Effective choreography highlights the team’s strengths and conceals any weaknesses, allowing them to captivate audiences and judges alike.

Training Methods

The coach’s training methods play a vital role in developing the team’s physical and mental abilities. They implement rigorous training programs that focus on strength, flexibility, agility, and endurance. Additionally, they emphasize injury prevention and recovery techniques, ensuring that athletes remain healthy and perform at their peak.

For example, the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders are known for their exceptional athleticism and stage presence. This is largely attributed to the team’s highly trained coaching staff, who employ cutting-edge training methods and innovative choreography to create award-winning performances.

Challenges and Rewards of Coaching the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders

Coaching the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (DCC) presents a unique set of challenges and rewards. The team’s high-profile status and demanding performance standards create a pressure-filled environment for the coach.

One significant challenge is maintaining the DCC’s impeccable public image. The cheerleaders are constantly in the spotlight, and any misstep can reflect poorly on the team and the organization. The coach must ensure that the cheerleaders conduct themselves professionally and uphold the values of the Dallas Cowboys.

Another challenge is managing the intense competition within the squad. With hundreds of talented dancers vying for a limited number of spots, the coach must make difficult decisions about who to keep and who to let go. This can lead to strained relationships and disappointment for those who are not selected.

Despite these challenges, coaching the DCC also offers many rewards. The coach has the opportunity to work with some of the most talented and dedicated dancers in the world. They also get to witness firsthand the impact that the DCC has on fans and the community.

Pressure to Maintain High Performance

The pressure to maintain a high level of performance is one of the biggest challenges for the DCC coach. The cheerleaders are expected to perform flawlessly at every game and event. They must also maintain a rigorous training schedule and be in peak physical condition.

The coach must find a way to motivate the cheerleaders to perform at their best while also ensuring that they are healthy and injury-free. This can be a difficult balancing act, especially during the long and demanding NFL season.

Public Image and Scrutiny

The DCC are one of the most famous cheerleading squads in the world. As a result, they are constantly in the public eye. The cheerleaders’ every move is scrutinized, and any mistake can make headlines.

The coach must be prepared to deal with the intense media attention that comes with coaching the DCC. They must also be able to protect the cheerleaders from negative publicity and ensure that they maintain a positive public image.

Personal Experiences and Motivations, Dallas cowboy cheerleader coach

The DCC coach is a role model for the cheerleaders and the community. They must be someone who is passionate about dance and dedicated to helping the cheerleaders reach their full potential.

The coach’s personal experiences and motivations can play a big role in their success. For example, a coach who has overcome adversity may be better able to motivate the cheerleaders to persevere through difficult times.

The DCC coach is a unique and demanding job. However, it is also a rewarding one. The coach has the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the cheerleaders and to help them achieve their dreams.

Ultimate Conclusion

The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Coach stands as a beacon of excellence, guiding the team through the challenges and rewards of their demanding profession. Their leadership, creativity, and unwavering commitment to the squad have been instrumental in shaping the iconic status of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.

As the team continues to soar to new heights, the coach’s role remains paramount in ensuring their continued success and inspiration.


Who is the current Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Coach?

Kelli Finglass

What are the key responsibilities of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Coach?

Choreography, rehearsals, game-day performances, team spirit, and discipline

What are the unique challenges faced by the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Coach?

Maintaining a high level of performance, public image, and pressure to succeed

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